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Re- emergence



  1. the process of coming into sight or prominence once more.

    "the re-emergence of infectious diseases"

I look to the Nubian rituals enacted along the Nile as a clue to allow the Nubian woman to Re-emerge Spatialy perhaps through paying homage to her Rituals

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Newborn Baby and Mother Nile Ritual practised in the Sukut and Mahas Districts


Re-emergence wearable prototyp,The violent shaking of the bundled fabric reveals the underside garment or inner skin of the prototype which is a white flimsy fabric with burnt holes .


Re-emergence wearable prototype head gear

Re-emergence wearable prototype


Re-emergence wearable prototype construction drawing

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Re-emergence wearable prototype Ritual enactment at Emerentia Dam

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Re-emergence building farcade prototype

Re-emergence building farcade prototype

Mud has a long history as a building material all over the world, but Nubia is particularly famous for its pre-modern soaked earthen constructions. For at least a thousand years, the peoples constructed homes and monumental temples of sunbaked mud brick

In the above model the farcade is made up of sorghum poridge panels  to assimilate a modern Re-emergence building farcade prototype

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