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Act 4:
Nomadic women and Tent making
Heading 1

Females Form of Dress and Spatial Implications Timeline

Females Form of Dress and Spatial Implications Timeline, The Headgear

The tent the temporary structure made and set up by by Normadic women

Tent prototype made up female body postures

Performance of Tent on the Female Body
1.Hands in a relaxed pose, the tent is completely covering the female users upper body
2.The left arm is raised and there is ventilation in the tent, the tent is open on one side.
3.The knees on the ground and upper body is sheltered by the arms.
Poses 1-6 is a protest potrayal and female body response to using her body as
a vessel of containment, The woman using her body as an extention to ocupy space temporarily.

Exploded Axo : Tent prototype

Axo: Tent prototype

Drawings exploring head gear ptotest ptototypes

Head gear protest ptototypes
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