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  1. the removal of all traces of something; obliteration."the erasure of prior history

Prototype exploring the act of being made uncormfortable by built form as a black woman and the act of revealing one's self in the city.

The built form vs The organic wearable prototype

The Rigid cardboard clips onto the waist creating discormfort whilst 

the white ethemeral white fabric follows the womans form from the 

waist and drapes onto the floor.

The Black female gaze in the city

A Black Female inserting herself in the city with very visible

constraints as depicted by the wearable prototype

The black female gaze in the city, limited,controlled and vulnerable.

The Headgear inversed to reveal the alternative

gaze of the black female in the city.

dress 1.jpg

Erasure wearable prototype construction drawings

Aswan dam vs nile.jpg

Insertion of Black Woman Re-enactment at the Johannesburg Legislature Building


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