Egyptian and Nomadic women
Space and land form highly contested territories ,boundaries with wealth ,knowledge and resources to be equally shared,embodied or better yet exploited.
Hair, Skin, eyes her bossom a widely contested space, territory, what should adorn Her?, how to sit "like a lady" with poise like a dormant Volcano I say? Catastrophe or a tumultuous offering to more life more land ,stretching forth from the lava that was once deemed catastrophic now life giving.
In the next series of work i will be looking at the body as an architectural experience and a language of protest.The study of the body as it relates to Moslem women wearing hijabs, the exploration of the hijab through tent making ,the body as the site .Unpacking cultural systems through studying clothing worn by women namely the hijab which was seen as a form of protest and banned in Iran.
Protest as an art of the body,the adrenaline of a cause so close to one's heart stroking the landscape, a performance art.The heart incased in the body's most sacred inner chambers. The body the dwelling encasing hopes verbalised in chants carried by the wind over the city squares.
The idea of the body as having a life of its own, the haunting presence of depicted absence through performance as seen in the film Suspriria by Luca Gucidagnino."Its a series of energetic shapes written in the air, like words forming sentences,like prayers. "Madame Blanc