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Siwe Mathenjwa- M1 Student

My work narrates the struggle of black female existence,finds ways to insert and make vissible the black woman in space both in a South African and Egytian Context.

I am creating an architecture of protest through wearable devices that seek to create visibility to the black woman that' s been blotted out of the city's spatial narrative.My  medium being constume design and performance to disrupt masculine architectures and spark a conversation as to how to weave the black woman in this already dominant and patriachal landscape.



Research Question:

How can the black female using certain pieces of clothing or adornment speak to dismantling

patriachal and masculine architectures.I am trying to re-introduce the black female body through acts of veiling, unveiling and adornment.


I am trying to create a lexicon through performing as a black woman to disrupt and protest against masculine architectures in the city.

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